Saturday, September 6, 2008

Offshore Drilling Permit!

Bush's last attempts as president leads him to offshore drilling. Bush says that if congress won't permit offshore drilling then they should not expect support for them in November. Bush wants to expand oil supplies and simplify the gasoline prices, but why have congress' support banquished from them for not supporting what they believe in? Bush later on accuses democratic leaders in congress of disregarding the public's demand of simplifying the high energy prices. Bush says that this is their final oppportunity before November elections.
The outer continental shelf, a gently sloping undersea plain between a continent and the deep ocean, can possibly in the near future produce 10 years of oil says experts. Other experts say that permiting the offshore drilling wouldn't make oil for up to five to seven years.
In addition to calling on congress to act on the offshore oil drilling, bush also wants to extend renewable power tax credits. By expanding the power tax credits this will help spark up the development of other methods of energy like wind and solar energy alternatives. Even if congress doesn't pass this, the presidential candidates have a view of their own on this subject. Republican John McCain is pro offshore drilling and Democrat Barack Obama considers limiting the expansion of drilling. Things can change in the near future when one of these candidates becomes the next president.

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